Operation Dry Water Campaign Resources

As boaters begin to prepare for the 4th of July holiday, thousands of law enforcement officers across the United States will be on heightened alert looking for those violating boating under the influence laws. These materials can be customized to reflect the efforts that your agency is making over the Operation Dry Water weekend.

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Operation Dry Water Outreach Materials

Materials for spreading awareness of the danger of boating under the influence and the Operation Dry Water campaign.

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Jim Emmons

Jim Emmons is executive director of the non-profit Water Sports Foundation (WSF) and is a long-term recreational boating safety activist and enthusiast. He is serving in his second term on the United States Coast Guard’s National Boating Safety Advisory Council and currently serves as chairman. He also serves on NASBLA’s Paddlesports Committee and the national Sober Skipper Advisory Council.

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