Boating Safety in Spanish

Video: Un paseo en bote / The Boat Ride (Radio Spot)
En este spot de radio, la Mamá otra vez hay que enseñar a Papá y la familia. ¿Que nos hace falta? ¿El perro? ¿Crema solar? ¡No, queridos–los chalecos salvavidas!
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Video: ¡Porque los niños no saben nadar! / Because The Kids Can’t Swim! (Radio Spot)
As always, Mom knows best. In this Spanish-language radio spot, she gently reminds Dad that life jackets are more comfortable than he thought, and also that his children can’t swim. English subtitles available.
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Video: La Nieta Sabia / The Wise Granddaughter (Radio Spot)
In this Spanish-language radio spot, a wise granddaughter tells her grandfather that the life jackets of today are lighter and more comfortable than ever, and most importantly—they save lives. (English subtitles available.)
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